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2 05, 2019

Alzheimer’s Caregivers: You Are Not Alone


Approximately 44 million people worldwide are living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related form of dementia. In the United States, an estimated 5.5 million people have Alzheimer’s. Of these, around 5.3 million people are 65 years and older, and your chances of developing the disease double every five years beyond the age of 65.

Alzheimer’s Caregivers: You Are Not Alone2019-05-02T18:21:00+00:00
30 04, 2019

Too busy to make healthy choices?


Are you feeling busy, overwhelmed and stressed? Do you find it challenging to make healthy choices because you don’t have time? We get it... today's world is fast-paced and this can make it extremely challenging to live a healthy lifestyle. That’s why The Women’s Resource Center is introducing WHEN (Women’s Health Education Network), a new

Too busy to make healthy choices?2022-01-10T14:51:59+00:00
18 04, 2019

Mother: An Influential Woman, Not Defined By Blood.


  A mother does not have to be defined by blood. A mother is someone who teaches, loves, helps, supports, and impacts your life in a positive way. For Mother’s Day, please consider supporting WRC by honoring a woman (or women) who has made a difference in your life. For a limited time only,

Mother: An Influential Woman, Not Defined By Blood.2019-04-22T22:38:02+00:00
8 04, 2019

Manatee County ALICE Report


United Way Suncoast has just released the new ALICE Report. ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. This report measures how much it costs to live in our community and how many households are struggling, despite being gainfully employed. 44% of Manatee County households live below the survival budget of $47,184 (for a

Manatee County ALICE Report2019-04-22T22:23:24+00:00
2 04, 2019

Thank you, Volunteers!


April 7-13 is National Volunteer Week and we want to take a moment to thank our hardworking volunteers. Without you, The Women’s Resource Center would not be possible!  We cannot express how grateful we are for each and every one of our volunteers.   The Gift of Time is Priceless Valuable is the work

Thank you, Volunteers!2019-04-02T20:28:29+00:00
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