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8 08, 2016

Kate Carlson: In Search Of That Happy Ending, I Turned To The Real Deal


When I became a newlywed, I had this perception that we were supposed to live in a blissful state of perfection. My generation grew up watching the fairy tales of “Cinderella,” “Beauty & the Beast” and “The Little Mermaid,” so of course, every love story has a happy ending! But what happens when you

Kate Carlson: In Search Of That Happy Ending, I Turned To The Real Deal2019-05-09T20:00:05+00:00
9 07, 2016

When Is My Life’s Roller Coaster Going To Settle Down?


Settling down? What? When? “When is life going to settle down?” Those words came out of my mouth multiple times last weekend as my husband and I packed up items in our home, preparing to move. In all the hustle and bustle of life, I can honestly say I am ready to settle down

When Is My Life’s Roller Coaster Going To Settle Down?2019-05-09T20:04:55+00:00
2 07, 2016

Independence Day Brings To Mind…


Independence Day brings to mind fireworks, cold lemonade and a day off from work. If pushed, I can recall a bit about the Revolutionary War and the history of restlessness and the struggle for change in a newly formed country grappling with emerging views. This year, though, I’m thinking of Alexander Hamilton and a

Independence Day Brings To Mind…2019-05-09T20:06:30+00:00
26 06, 2016

Forgiveness, Love, Respect — Only These Can Combat Heinous Acts Of Terror


June 17, 2015 — A white extremist young man enters a church in Charleston, S.C. and kills nine people. Nov. 13, 2015 — Isis attacks in Paris have left 130 people dead. June 11, 2016 — Fifty people were shot and killed with many more injured at a gay night club in Orlando. “Imagine

Forgiveness, Love, Respect — Only These Can Combat Heinous Acts Of Terror2019-05-09T20:08:37+00:00
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