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15 05, 2017

Women’s Resource Center Recognizes Three “Wonder Women” at its 2017 Founder’s Legacy Luncheon


Women’s Resource Center Recognizes Three “Wonder Women” at its 2017 Founders’ Legacy Luncheon (Left to right) Amanda Horne (2017 Wonder Woman), Suzanne Fugate (board president of the Women’s Resource Center), Ashley Brown (president and CEO of Women’s Resource Center), Dr. Jan Pullen (2017 Wonder Woman), and Susie Bowie (2017 Wonder Woman) at WRC’s annual Founders’

Women’s Resource Center Recognizes Three “Wonder Women” at its 2017 Founder’s Legacy Luncheon2017-12-15T18:45:11+00:00
3 12, 2016

The Power of One Voice


One day as a small child, Thomas Edison came home from school and gave a piece of paper to his mother. He said to her, “Mom, my teacher gave this paper to me and told me only you are to read it. What does it say?” Her eyes welled with tears as she read

The Power of One Voice2019-05-09T19:35:40+00:00
28 11, 2016

We Give Thanks for Traditions, Old and New


The holidays are upon us, and that means it’s time to embrace traditions! Every family has their own quirky customs around the holidays. Looking back on my childhood, this wasn’t my favorite season because of the abundant sweets and gift-giving — even though I loved those. It was the traditions that were passed down

We Give Thanks for Traditions, Old and New2019-05-09T19:38:51+00:00
12 11, 2016

What Makes A Good Leader? It Certainly Isn’t Free


I’m always so impressed by Susie Bowie, Manatee Community Foundation’s chief executive. Not just because she’s also a redhead, which in and of itself is impressive — right, Marianne Barnaby and Kathy Eckert? — but because she is so wise. I find myself always amazed at the number of times Ms. Bowie expresses just what

What Makes A Good Leader? It Certainly Isn’t Free2022-01-10T14:48:09+00:00
29 10, 2016

Gut Check, Everyone: We Need Affordable Housing. Now.


Typically for this column, I write about my personal life stories, but today I pause to take a good hard look at our community and what I can be doing to make it a better place to live. Maybe it’s all the chatter in the world today that seems so polarizing, but I feel

Gut Check, Everyone: We Need Affordable Housing. Now.2022-01-10T14:42:06+00:00
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